Electrical submersible pump :Design, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance





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4 Mar
- 8 Mar 2024

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- 6 Sep 2024

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- 27 Jun 2024

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25 Nov
- 29 Nov 2024

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This highly participative EuroMaTech training course is designed to provide the participants with the skills to understand the principals of Electric Submersible Pumps (ESPs), how they are Selected, Installed, Operated and Maintained in both Onshore and Offshore Oil Production Installations.This Electric Submersible Pumps (ESPs) training course is interactive and encourages delegates to participate through questions and answers, along with opportunities to discuss with the presenter specific issues which may result in appropriate solutions.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Learn about the different types of ESP Systems and where they are used
  • Understand the components and equipment used in ESP Systems
  • Learn about ESP Pump Technology
  • Learn about ESP Selection and Performance Calculations
  • Understand the Advantages and Limitations of various ESP Drive Systems
  • Understand the Power Supply Requirements of ESP Installations
  • Learn about installing, maintaining and troubleshooting ESP systems
  • Mainstream ESP System Configurations
  • Alternative ESP System Configurations
  • Installing ESPs in Difficult and Harsh Environments
  • How ESPs and their associated Drives are Selected
  • Installing, Operating and Monitoring ESP Systems
  • Maintaining and Troubleshooting ESP Systems

This course is made for 

  • Project, Design and Maintenance Professionals
  • Petroleum, Chemical and Mechanical Engineers
  • Electrical Engineers
  • Field Operators and Technicians
  • Maintenance Engineers and Personnel
  • Gas Plant Process Operator
  • Gas Production Operator
  •  Process safety engineer
  •  Gasoline blender engineer

Day One

Fundamentals of Electric Submersible Pumps

  • Introduction to ESPs and ESP Systems
  • A Brief History of ESPs
  • Design Requirements for Typical Mainstream ESPs
  • ESP Pump Designs
  • ESP Motor Designs
  • Cabling Requirements
  • Motor Control
  • Miscellaneous Accessories
  • Alternative ESP Configurations
  • Inverted/Bottom Intake
  • Dual and Triple ESPs in same well
  • Boosters for ESPs

Day Two

Application of ESPs in Difficult or Harsh Environments

  • On-Shore and Off-Shore
  • Multiphase Fluids
  • Abrasive Contaminants
  • High Temperature and Corrosive Substances
  • Viscous Fluids, Emulsions, Scaling/Asphaltenes
  • Off-Shore
  • Modular Requirements
  • Platform Cable Connections
  • FPSO Disconnectable Turret Swivel and Mooring System
  • Subsea Cabling and Electrical Connections
  • Subsea Located Equipment

Day Three

ESP System Selection, Performance Calculations and Equipment Sizing

  • Establishing Basic Requirements
  • Determining Well Production Capacity
  • Determining Fluid Composition and Volume, Including Volume of Free Gas
  • Calculation of Total Dynamic Head
  • Determination of Optimum Pump and Motor Type and Size
  • Determination of Downhole Cable Configuration and Sizing
  • Identifying Optimum Drive Systems, Power Supplies and Accessories
  • Variable Speed Drive Requirements
  • Design Examples

Day Four

ESP Monitoring, Control and Protection, Installation

  • Downhole Monitoring and Sensors
  • Embedded Fibre Optic Cable for Downhole Monitoring and Sensors
  • Earthed (Grounded) and Unearthed (Ungrounded) ESP motors
  • Earthing and Lightning Propagation in ESP Circuits
  • Electrical Protection Equipment for ESPs
  • SCADA/EMS (ESP Management System) for Local and Remote Installations
  • Safety and Shut-Down Systems

Day Five

Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance

  • Commissioning Requirements and Procedures
  • Pre-Production Optimization
  • Regular Operation and Monitoring
  • Maintenance Management, Monitoring and Detecting Abnormal Conditions
  • Troubleshooting Guidelines
  • Case Studies and Examples of ESP Problems and Failures
  • Servicing Equipment
  • Well Workover Rigs
  • Cable Reels, Reel Supports, and Cable Guides
  • Shipping Cases
  • Transport and Cranage for Long Shipping Cases
  • Factory Repair and Reconditioning
  • Summary and Discussion



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