Hydraulic Fracturing





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12 Feb
- 16 Feb 2024

5 Days



12 Aug
- 16 Aug 2024

5 Days



26 May
- 30 May 2023

5 Days

Virtual Online


4 Nov
- 8 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


This course is designed for those who have a practical understanding of the applications of hydraulic fracturing and want to expand their knowledge. The course provides the details and discussion of fracturing concepts usually accepted or assumed in fracturing applications. The strengths and limitations of various approaches to fracturing treatment design are also covered. Attendees should leave the advanced course with a better understanding of the hydraulic fracturing process and how it relates to post-frac well performance, after working on real fracturing cases design and analysis throughout the course.

At the end of this course you will be able to:
  • Better understand rock properties and rock mechanics related to fracturing applications
  • Better understand fracturing fluid mechanics and proppant transport
  • More effectively design fracturing treatments through better understanding of factors influencing hydraulic fracturing applications
  • Use pre-frac injection test data and real-time fracturing treatment data in fracturing applications to define fracture parameters and improve frac treatment design
  • Consider factors influencing post-frac fracture conductivity and well cleanup
  • Realize the strengths and limitations of existing hydraulic fracturing technology and fracture models
  • Expand fracturing applications to fit a wider range of reservoir types and condition

This course is made for 

  • Production, operations, and completions engineers
  • Reservoir, and drilling engineers
  • Supply Chain Managers
  • Commercial Representatives
  • Field operations staff

Day One

  • Introduction to the fracturing process and mechanics
  • Fracture design concepts and methodologies
  • Fracturing fluid additives and prop-pant
  • Rock properties and fracture mechanics related to the fracturing process

Day Two

  • Fracturing fluid mechanics
  • Proppant transport
  • Pre-frac injection test analysis
  • Fracture closure
  • Fracture monitoring and fracture measurement

Day Three

  • Fluid leak-off
  • Strengths and limitations of fracturing applications
  • Production increase

Day Four

  • Factors involved in field implementation
  • Acid vs. proppant fracturing
  • Frac packing concepts
  • Waterfracing concepts

Day Five

  • Horizontal well fracturing
  • QA/QC of fracturing treatments
  • Methods to evaluate fracturing treatment success
Training Subject
Training Location