Electrical Load And Energy Forecasting, Planning &Amp; Demand Side Management





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3 Mar
- 7 Mar 2024

5 Days



1 Sep
- 5 Sep 2024

5 Days



10 Jun
- 14 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


24 Nov
- 28 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


This intensive training will assist power system professionals in planning and operating a power system with increasing penetration of Demand Side Management (DSM) Programs renewable resources. Renewable generation impacts both the planning and the operating criteria.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Set Power System Planning Objectives
  • Gain knowledge about Load Forecasting Methodologies
  • Identify Factors affecting Load Forecasting
  • Have a good understanding of different kinds of Short Term and Long-Term Planning
  • Examine the principle of Energy supply & demand forecasting with a National and Regional perspectives
  • Assess the market conditions that affect power and energy generation, transmission and distribution
  • Understand the critical role of energy demand forecasting in the market
  •  Have a good understanding of different kinds of Short Term and Long Term Planning  Examine the principle of Energy supply & demand forecasting with a National and Regional perspectives

This course is made for 

  • Electrical Design Engineer
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Electrical Project Engineer
  • Electronics-research engineer
  • Instrumentation and Electrical (I&E) Reliability Engineer
  • Power Systems Engineer
  • Project Engineer
  • Test Engineer
  • illuminating engineer
  • Technician, semiconductor development
  • Power-distribution engineer

Day One

    • Generation System
    • Transmission System
    • North American Electricity Reliability Council (NERC)

    Energy Markets

    • Real-Time Market
    • Day-Ahead Market
    • Bilateral Contracts
      • Terms and Structures of Renewable Contracts
      • FIT in Tariffs in Canada
    • Physical versus Financial Transactions
      • Generator Offers into Market
      • Dispatchable Loads

    Load Forecasting Methodology

    • Weather Forecasts
    • Simulation, Optimization, Sensitivity Analysis
    • Forecasting Methodologies and statistical techniques,
    • Neural-Net modeling, End-Use modeling, Metrix ND & LT)
    • Weather Normalization and Probability Distribution Tools

    Load Demand Patterns

    • Short Term Load Forecasting Models: Operating Time Frame
    • Long Term Load Forecasting Models: Planning Time Frame

Day Two

            Volumetric Risk

    • Weather Response
    • Weather Derivatives
    • How can data be used for decision making?
    • What data will be needed in the future?
    • What data should be collected (and analyzed) now?

    Long Term Planning

    • Reliability Criteria
    • Generation Reserve Margin
    • Loss of Load Probability
    • Loss of Load Expectation
    • Variable generation and their impact on the LOLP, LOLE
    • Capacity Planning
      • Renewable Generation
      • Demand Management
      • Case Study

    Short Term Planning

    • Day Ahead
    • Real-Time
    • Secure Islanding of Power Plants
    • Operating Reserves in a System with Renewable Generation

    System Controls for Power Quality for Demand

    • Power Electronics
      • Static VAR Compensators
      • Voltage and VAR Control

Day Three

  • Demand Side Management and the Physical System
    • Load Frequency Control
    • Load Pricing Control & Load Shedding

    Demand Side Management

    • Energy Asset Programs: Integrate technical and financial elements under a single contract agreement
    • Utility Service Agreement
    • Customer Benefits
    • Data Management and Analytics for Utilities
    • Big Data: How can Data be used for Decision Making?
    • Dispatchable Loads

    Characteristics of Wind and Solar Power Generation

    • Short Term variability of a Photovoltaic Plant
    • Commercial
    • Residential
    • Impact of Renewables on the Demand Side
    • Management Programs
    • Adjustment Energy Cost

    Energy Storage

    • State of the art in energy storage
    • Fly Wheels
    • Type of Storage
    • Electrical Vehicles

Day Four

  • Smart Meter Infrastructure
    • Smart Meters: its evolution
    • Smart Meters: the new generation
    • Metering Infrastructure Standards
    • Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)

    Smart Meter Ecosystem

    • Utility data analytics industry ecosystem
    • Smart meters and advanced metering infrastructure
    • (AMI) for energy storage
    • Advanced grid Controls and Sensors
    • Accessible energy data for end-use demand response
    • Innovative policies and adaptive social infrastructure
    • (still in development)


    • Controllers for Local Energy Networks
    • Residential Energy Management Systems
    • Financial Impacts of Smart Energy Technologies
    • The Transactive Energy Model

    Advanced Grid Applications

Day Five

  •  Architectural Platforms
    • Roadmap and Architecture
    • Centralized versus Un-Centralized Architecture
    • Systems Interface Architecture
    • Plug-In Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure


  •  Internet of Things (of Everything) – IOT/IOE
    • • Next Generation of IOT
    • • Move from Thermostat to Full Control
    • • The Future of IOT/IOE


  • Internet of Things World Forum Reference Model
    • Why it impacts the DSM Programs
    • Two Way Controls: Remote and at Home
    • The Power of Virtual Devices
    • Smart Home of the Future: Telecom, Energy, Health
    • The Home as an Enterprise
    • Data-Centric Architecture
    • More Big Data
Training Subject
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