Mobile Forensic Security





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10 Jun
- 14 Jun 2024

5 Days



18 Nov
- 22 Nov 2024

5 Days



3 Mar
- 7 Mar 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


26 Aug
- 30 Aug 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Mobile devices, such as Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and cell phones have become essential tools in our personal and professional lives. The capabilities of these devices are continually evolving, providing users with greater storage capacities, better Internet connectivity, and enhanced Personal Information Management (PIM) capabilities. Over time, these devices accumulate a sizeable amount of information about the owner and the activities conducted with the device, which may be of value to law enforcement or other security officials as digital evidence. When mobile devices are involved in a crime or other incident, forensic examiners require tools that allow the proper retrieval of information present on the device and associated media. In order to meet quality standards of forensic laboratories, a foundation for establishing reference materials for tool assessment along with procedures for assessing the quality of mobile forensic tools are needed. Moreover, proper techniques from seizure to final report generation must be in place and followed to ensure quality and consistent results.

In this course designed to immerse students in phone forensics. In this course you will learn mobile phone architecture, how to use phone forensics tools and open-source tools, the essentials of iOS and Android, the various mobile networks, the devices in a mobile network and cell tower, and how to extract evidence from a phone.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Learn Mobile networks (3g- 4g-5g)
  • Learn Forensic methods (Scientific approach-Legal issues)
  • Learn The various mobile operating systems (iOS-Android-Windows)
  • Learn Cell phone hardware (3g-4g-5g)
  • Coverage of MobileEdit forensics (3g-4g-5g)
  • Coverage of Android Forensics with ADB (3g-4g-5g)
  • Coverage of BlackBag Forensics (3g-4g-5g)
  • Overview of JTAG (3g-4g-5g)

This course is made for :

  • Forensic Investigator

Day One

The various mobile operating systems

    • iOS
    • Android
    • Windows

Day Two

Forensic methods

    • Scientific approach
    • Legal issues

Day Three

Mobile networks

    • 3g
    • 4g
    • 5g

Day Four

  • Cell phone hardware
  • Coverage of MobileEdit forensics
  • Coverage of BlackBag Forensics

Day Five

  •  Coverage of Android Forensics with ADB
  •  Overview of JTAG
Training Subject
Training Location