GIS, Mapping, And Spatial Analysis





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15 Jan
- 19 Jan 2024

5 Days



1 Sep
- 5 Sep 2024

5 Days



10 Jun
- 14 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


24 Nov
- 28 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Investigate the power of maps and spatial data to document and illustrate local and global issues. Learn how to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to explore the world around you and share ideas. Apply GIS principles and tools to create your own maps from freely-available online spatial data.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Acquire, clean, and map GIS data
  • Work with both vector and raster data
  • Complete an entire GIS project on acquiring, processing, analyzing, and visualizing GIS data.
  • Work with attributes and shapefiles in map making
  • Geocode addresses to longitude and latitude coordinates
  • Perform joins, clipping, normalization, and many more core GIS operations
  • Work with vector and raster data
  • Perform spatial analysis to better understand your data
  • Create and share online maps using web GIS platforms

This course is made for 

  • Reservoir Engineer
  • Structural Engineer
  • Welding Engineer
  • Chief Engineer
  • Civil Engineer
  • Piping Stress Engineer
  • Planning Engineer
  • Commissioning Engineer
  • Construction Engineer
  • Drilling Engineer
  • Fire Protection Engineer
  • Piping Engineer
Day One 

What are spatial data and Geographic Information Systems?

  • Explore how maps and spatial analysis pervade our world, and consider the use of maps in the media. Install the GIS software and take your first steps in displaying spatial data. 

Who uses spatial data, maps and GIS, and what for?

  • Consider how GIS is used in different industries and leisure activities. Encounter the power and versatility of maps and GIS to illustrate patterns, exploring osprey migration routes in a wildlife case study.
Day Two

Understanding spatial reference systems

  • Learn how to refer to the spatial location of objects on the earth’s surface, and understand how this translates to locations on a flat map. View and overlay data from a range of spatial reference systems, based on an archaeological case study of Stonehenge artefacts.

Representing spatial features

  • Grasp the difference between discrete spatial objects and continuous surfaces, and learn the characteristics of the two primary data formats (vector and raster) which represent them. Practice working with both data types in a resource management case study on an English farm.
Day Three

Interpreting maps

  • Interpret the symbols, contours and scale on a topographic map, and learn how to navigate using a compass. Plan travel routes and camping locations for a wilderness hike through Monongahela National Forest, USA, as part of a leisure case study. 

Working with raster layers

  • Experience the power of remotely sensed imagery to visualize environmental patterns. Manipulate raster layers in a disaster relief case study, to assess the extent of catastrophic flooding in Pakistan.
Day Four

Working with vector layers

  • Generate and edit your own vector data by hand-digitizing, and add non-geographic information to your new layers. Extend the Pakistan disaster relief case study by calculating the area affected by flooding.

Introduction to symbology and cartography

  • Explore the art of cartography, and discuss how to communicate your message to a specific audience. Change the way map features are displayed to identify spatial patterns in health risks in Togo, an international development case study.
Day Five

Making maps

  • Learn how the key elements of a map (scale bar, legend, graticule) allow viewers to interpret your map and understand your message. Apply cartographic principles in a tourism case study to create and export your own map of tourist attractions in Melbourne, Australia. 

Introduction to spatial analysis

  • Discover how the utility of GIS extends far beyond map-making. Explore concepts in spatial analysis that will allow you to create new data, identify patterns, and support future decision-making. Propose the location of a new recycling facility in an urban planning case study.
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