Road Construction Materials And Construction Technologies





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21 Jan
- 25 Jan 2024

5 Days



28 Jul
- 1 Aug 2024

5 Days



6 May
- 10 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


20 Oct
- 24 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


An innovative highway industry provides a major market for the use of ‘waste’ resources, at the same time minimizing the need for ‘natural’ resources. Selected waste streams and industrial by-products, formerly bound for a landfill, are more frequently finding a route into sustainable highway design and maintenance.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to :

  • Obtain and introducing knowledge on road construction materials
  • Gain insights into construction technologies, equipment and techniques
  • Identify the road materials and material properties in construction
  • Get information of the materials used in road pavements
  • Identify the road materials and material properties in construction and materials used in road pavements and etc.
  • Enumerate the different types of asphalt mixtures as well as the design of asphalt concrete mixture which also applies testing, specification of methods and marshal method
  • Implement quality control and quality assurance in road construction

This course is made for 

  • Architects
  • Engineers
  • Construction  professionals
Day One 
  • An introduction to road construction materials
  • The used materials for road embankment, road pavement (gravel roads, surface dressed roads, paved roads
  • Material properties
  • Soil and subbase: Standard tests to determine the engineering properties of road materials
  • Standard tests to determine the engineering properties of road materials
Day Two
  • Types of Asphalt Mixtures
  • Hot mix asphalt concrete
  • Worm mix asphalt concrete
  • Cold mix asphalt concrete
Day Three
  • Design of Asphalt Concrete Mixture
  • How to test materials used in the asphalt mix (course aggregate, fine aggregate, mineral filler, binder
  • Specification requirements
  • Blinding of aggregate
  • Graduation of blinded aggregates
  • Marshal method for design of asphalt mixtures; volumetric relationships, optimum bitumen content, tolerance, job mix formula
Day Four
  • The importance of quality control in road construction processes
  • Selection of materials sources
  • Test of materials
  • Inspection of the executed work
  • Test the executed work
  • Filling the test result for quality assurance process
  • Quality assurance in road construction processes
Day Five
  • Road Construction Technology
  • Introduction to the new technologies in road construction
  • New equipment’s, new techniques used in road construction
Training Subject
Training Location