Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage (CCUS)





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28 Jan
- 1 Feb 2024

5 Days



28 Jul
- 1 Aug 2024

5 Days



6 May
- 10 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


20 Oct
- 24 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


In this course in addition to various CCUS technologies as one of the method of preventing CO2 emission we also look at some of the global agreements, policies, regulations, best practices, Carbon negative technologies, Renewable energy, Energy vector such as H2 and Electricity, types of geological storage, Global CO2 capacity, and costs of Carbon Capture and Carbon negative technologies.

At the end of this course you will be able to:
  • How CCUS can offer a long-term solution to protect Earth atmosphere from excess CO2 and how can help to keep climate change under 1.5 ºC of global temperature rise.
  • Method of Carbon Captures technology
  • Climate Change Agreements
  • CCS and versus Carbon negative
  • CCS and Renewable Energy
  • Carbon Negative Technologies
  • Geological Storage
  • CCU-Carbon Capture Usage
  • Type of Rocks and Features
  • World CO2 Storage Capacity and CO2 capacity calculation
  • CO2 Leakage, Monitoring and Stoppage
  • Policies, Regulations, Bes

This course is made for 

  • Graduates
  • Engineers
  • Consultants
  • Managers
  • Environmentalist
  • Project developers and sponsors
  • Anyone who is interested to know about CCUS.
  • Gasoline blender engineer
  •  Lab supervisor
  •  Supply chain engineer
  •  Distillates analyst

Day One

CCUS technologies

  • Capturing industrial carbon: carbon sources, capture technologies and their efficiencies and costs
  • Direct air carbon capture (DACC): status and prospects
  • Transporting carbon: the options and infrastructure requirements
  • Storing carbon: the options, including emerging innovations
  • Making use of captured carbon

CCUS projects in operation and planned

  • A review of operating, upcoming and recently announced CCUS projects
  • Carbon capture in the Oil & Gas industry
  • Timeframes and locations for ‘blue’ hydrogen
  • Industrial carbon reduction projects
  • Examining issues of deliverability and deployment: what are the practical barriers

Day Two

CCUS and its role in clean hydrogen growth

  • The market applications of clean hydrogen in industrial decarbonisation (including refining, ammonia, steel, cement and more)
  • A deeper dive into ‘blue hydrogen’: its production and integration with carbon capture
  • Example blue hydrogen projects, including their timeframes
  • Understanding competition within the hydrogen production sector (and the implications for CCUS)

Day Three

The importance of clusters and ‘circular’ economy approaches

  • Evaluating the importance of industrial clusters in emissions reduction
  • Identifying the typical features of industrial clusters, and their advantages in achieving scale
  • Captured carbon as a feedstock into industrial processes
  • Circular economy approaches combining hydrogen production and carbon capture
  • Examples of industrial clusters and their decarbonisation strategies and project announcements

Day Four

Carbon policies, targets, and markets

  • Country & regional approaches to carbon reduction and CCUS
  • Oil & gas industry targets and ‘scopes’
  • CCUS in ‘net-zero’ scenarios and models
  • Carbon pricing
  • CCUS market segmentation

Day Five

Analysing opportunity and risk for the future of CCUS

  • Business models and barriers to investment
  • Energy transition: the wider ‘economy’ and ‘industrial strategy’ considerations
  • Infrastructure: build or re-purpose?
  • How to approach risk and opportunity mapping for CCUS
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