Combined C/C++, JAVA, and Web Application Security





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19 May
- 23 May 2024

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27 Oct
- 31 Oct 2024

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- 9 Feb 2024

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4 Aug
- 8 Aug 2024

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To serve in the best way heterogeneous development groups that are using various platforms simultaneously during their everyday work, we have merged various topics into a combined course that presents diverse secure coding subjects in didactic manner on a single training event. This course combines C/C++ and Java platform security to provide an extensive, cross-platform secure coding expertise.

Concerning C/C++, common security vulnerabilities are discussed, backed by practical exercises about the attacking methods that exploit these vulnerabilities, with the focus on the mitigation techniques that can be applied to prevent the occurrences of these dangerous bugs, detect them before market launch or prevent their exploitation.

Security components and service of Java are discussed by presenting the different APIs and tools through a number of practical exercises where participants can gain hands-on experience in using them. The course also covers security issues of web services and the related Java services that can be applied to prevent the most aching threats of the Internet based services. Finally, web- and Java-related security vulnerabilities are demonstrated by easy-to-understand exercises, which not only show the root cause of the problems, but also demonstrate the attack methods along with the recommended mitigation and coding techniques in order to avoid the associated security problems.

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Common security vulnerabilities are discussed
  • Covers Web services and related Java service security issues that can be applied to prevent the most serious threats to Internet-based services
  • Web and Java vulnerabilities are demonstrated through easy-to-understand exercises
  • Explain attack methods along with recommended mitigation and encryption techniques to avoid related security issues

This course is made for :

  • C/C++ Developers
  • Java Developers
  • Architects
  • Testers
  • IT developers
  • Software Architects

Day One

IT security and secure coding

    • Nature of security
    • What is risk?
    • IT security vs. secure coding
    • From vulnerabilities to botnets and cybercrime
    • Nature of security flaws
    • Reasons of difficulty
    • From an infected computer to targeted attacks
    • The Seven Pernicious Kingdoms
    • OWASP Top Ten 2017

Day Two

Common coding errors and vulnerabilities

    • Input validation
    • Input validation concepts
    • Integer problems
    • Representation of negative integers
    • Integer overflow
    • Exercise IntOverflow
    • What is the value of Math.abs(Integer.MIN_VALUE)?
    • Integer problem – best practices
    • Java case study

Day Three

Client-side security

    • JavaScript security
    • Same Origin Policy
    • Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
    • Exercise – Client-side authentication
    • Client-side authentication and password management
    • Protecting JavaScript code
    • Exercise – JavaScript obfuscation

Day Four

Foundations of Java security

    • The Java environment
    • Java security
    • Low-level security – the Java language and environment
    • Java language security
    • Type safety
    • Automatic memory management
    • Java execution overview

Day Five 

Practical cryptography

    • Cryptosystems
    • Elements of a cryptosystem
    • Symmetric-key cryptography
    • Providing confidentiality with symmetric cryptography
    • Symmetric encryption algorithms
    • Block ciphers – modes of operation
    • Other cryptographic algorithms


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