CAS: Setting Up a Single-Sign-On Authentication Server





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28 Apr
- 2 May 2024

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24 Nov
- 28 Nov 2024

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Central Authentication Service (CAS), is an open-source, enterprise-level, single-sign-on protocol for the web. CAS gives users access to multiple applications using a single sign-on and allows web applications to authenticate users without giving them access to user passwords. CAS has a Java server component and various client libraries written in PHP, PL/SQL, Java, and more.

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Understand of CAS’s implementation of SSO (Single-Sign-On Authentication).
  • Have the necessary practice to deploy and manage their own authentication server.

This course is made for :

  • System administrators
  • Partners leading the development of the CAS service line
  • Senior staff being tasked with management of CAS operations
  • Staff that are honing new competencies to delivery high quality advisory services
  • Firm partners and team looking to take CAS to the next level within their practice

Day One


  • The case for SOS (Single-Sign-On-Authentication)
  • CAS vs LDAP vs OpenID
  • Building the High Value Advisory Services Practice
  • Pricing the Service Delivery Model

Day Two

An overview of the CAS Architecture

  • System components
  • CAS Server
  • CAS clients
  • Supported protocols

Day Three

Building CAS as an Overlay Project

  • Building and deploying with Gradle, Maven and Docker
  • Using custom and third-party source
  • Managing dependencies

Day Four

Configuring Authentication in CAS

  • Orchestrating authentication handlers with authentication manager
  • Choosing authentication handlers and schemes
  • Testing the default authentication scheme
  • Principal Resolution
  • Transforming the user id
  • Setting up “Remember Me” long-term authentication
  • Setting up proxy authentication
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  • Limiting failed login attempts with login throttling
  • Configuring an SSO session cookie

Day Five

Attribute Resolution and Release

  • Principal-Id attribute: receiving authenticated userid
  • Attribute release policy: Releasing attributes to applications
  • Caching attributes: Caching resolved attributes
  • Encrypting attributes: Conditionally encrypting attributes
Training Subject
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