Android Security





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3 Mar
- 7 Mar 2024

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1 Sep
- 5 Sep 2024

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10 Jun
- 14 Jun 2024

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24 Nov
- 28 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Android is one of the most preferred mobile operating system, empowering the world with millions of applications and users. The rise in the number of users and devices creates an opportunity for threats that can lead to security breaches.

This course covers the entire Android security model for both developers and end users. Basic Linux security for Android gets a facelift with this course that lets you control access to device features such as the camera, stored information, network interfaces, etc. So, Android Security Essentials training will show how its permissions model interacts with standard Linux security. Also learn how to define and implement restricted access to system extensions using custom permissions.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Analyse Android Apps
  • Understand Android Software Architecture
  • Understand Android’s Security Model.
  • Understand mobile security Threats and Risks
  • Build Android Application with Security Best practices in Mind.
  • Build more secure and more robust application that appeals to the client.
  • Working with Android Architecture and data structure
  • Perform attacks on Android

This course is made for :

  • Mobile Developers

Day One


  • Introduction
  • Android Platform Architecture
  • Android Security Architecture
  • Permissions
  • Lab 1: Permission.

Day Two

Managing the policy file

  • Introduction
  • Android Platform Architecture
  • Android Security Architecture
  • Permissions
  • Lab 1: Permission.

Day Three

Data privacy and protection

  • Introduction
  • The Manifest File
  • Modifying the Application Policy
  • Lab 2:
    • Creating Two Applications with the Same Linux ID
    • Backing up Data on Cloud Storage.

Day Four

Data privacy and protection

  • Vulnerabilities and Attacks Against Stored Data
  • Protection Principles
  • Tips for Android Coding Vulnerabilities
  • Lab 3:
    • Ensuring Data Confidentiality – Hacking Applications
    • Protecting Application Data with Permissions

Day Five

Secure storage

  • Introduction
  • Data Storage Decisions
  • Storage Mechanisms
  • File Operations on an External Storage
  • Cache
  • Database
  • Lab 4: Data Storage Applications




Training Subject
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