Cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain





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20 Oct
- 24 Oct 2024

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“What are bitcoin and ethereum blockchains? , How are blocks interlinked with each other in blockchain?” many questions might be overwhelming If you are new to cryptocurrencies and blockchain, this course will help you understand all the complex topics.this course  divided to 10 different sections  will have a very good understanding of blockchain and cryptocurrency after this course. The fast-growing market value of the blockchain industry has become the center of attention for many developers, investors, businesses, and even governments looking for the next big innovation. This course will provide an introductory overview to cryptocurrency and the underlying blockchain technology. Going beyond Bitcoin, this course will explain how cryptocurrency works in layman’s terms and explore how blockchain technology may disrupt different sectors of financial services and industries as a whole.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Have an introductory understanding of cryptocurrency and blockchain
  • Be able to explain how blockchain works
  • Be familiar with existing and potential applications of blockchain technology
  • How cryptocurrencies are created, transacted, and stored
  • Potential applications for Blockchain which can change the world
  • The pitfalls and challenges which come with adopting a digital currency
  • Types of Block chain technology
  • Hash and Merkle tree in a block
  • How mining work in bitcoin
  • How wallets sign transactions on the blockchain
  • Block Chain Trilemma
  • Ethereum Scaling Solution
  • what is matic network (polygon)

This course is made for :

  • Students wanted to learn about block chain
  • People interested in learning about cryptocurrencies
  • Beginner graduate interested to learn abut block chain and cryptocurrency
  • Anyone who wants to get involved with Bitcoin practically, as well as theoretically and learn further about how this Cryptocurrency works.
  • Large multinational corporation’s senior management
  • Financial specialists

Day One

Introduction to cryptocurrency

  • Introduction to Digital Signature?
  • Block and Hash Function in Blockchain?
  • What is proof of work?

Evolution of Web and Currency

  • Evolution of Money
  • Why Printing Money is a Bad Idea?
  • Understanding everything about Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0
  • What is a Decentralized Ledger in blockchain?
  • What is CryptoCurrency?
  • How does BlockChain Work?
  • Fiat Currency vs CryptoCurrency

Day Two

Introduction to Blockchain

  • How to level overview of blockchain technology?
  • Types of Blockchain technology?
  • What makes Blockchain Unique?
  • Benefits of blockchain technology
  • What is Block in a Blockchain?
  • Hash and Merkle tree in a block

Bitcoin Mining and BlockChain technology

  • How does bitcoin use blockchain technology?
  • How does mining work in bitcoin?
  • Types of Crypto Wallets?
  • Wallet address, Public and Private key of your wallet

Day Three

Ethereum: The NeXT Internet Protocol

  • What is Ethereum?
  • Building Tik-Tok on Ethereum
  • Etherum benefits and real use case

Coin Vs Token

  • Difference between Coin vs Token
  • Types of token
  • Etherum, Defi, and DApps

Day Four

Proof of Work Vs Proof of Stake

  • Explain Proof of work like I’m 5
  • Introduction to the consensus mechanism
  • Explain Proof of Stake like I’m 5
  • Proof of Work consensus mechanism in bitcoin
  • Proof of Work consensus mechanism in Eth
  • POW Vs POS

Day Five

How to Scale Ethereum

  • Problems with Ethereum
  • Blockchain Trilemma
  • Ethereum Scaling Solution
  • Off-Chain Scaling
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