Construction Procurement Management.





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11 Feb
- 15 Feb 2024

5 Days



11 Aug
- 15 Aug 2024

5 Days



20 May
- 24 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


3 Nov
- 7 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


This course addresses the regulatory aspects of construction projects and covers procurement processes, focusing on acquisition of materials, equipment, labor and professional services. It covers contracts and associated risk, negotiations, transportation, and expediting of procured items, changes to purchase orders and contract administration. Ethical standards in purchasing, regulatory requirements and contract law will be covered. The candidates will be able to describe the concepts of professional practice and explain the potential liabilities that construction project managers may be exposed to. Practical examples from construction industry will be used to discuss, analyze and apply procurement solutions to project scenarios. The candidates will also review contract and procurement strategies that may be applied to reducing project risk and making sound economic decisions. Construction project procurement includes processes and activities needed to purchase and acquire goods and services from outside the project that are needed by the project for executing the actions necessary to complete the deliverables required. Important areas to be covered in the course are planning for purchases and acquisitions, plan procurements, request contractors responses, evaluation and selecting contractors, close procurements.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Plan purchases and acquisitions includes preparing the WBS and determining which activities to procur
  • Plan Procurements includes activities selecting items to include in the procurement documents to seek bids or proposal
  • Request contractors responses and select contractors includes those activities that submits the bid to interested parties for their response then evaluating the submissions to select the preferred bidder
  • Administer procurements & close procurements includes
    activities to track the performance implementation of the
    contracts and when the deliverables are complete and handed
    over to arrange for an orderly close of all procurements
  • Simulate the investigation, preparation and completion of work assignments with resources constraints and with a professional attitude

This course is made for

  • Construction Engineers, Senior Construction Engineers
  • Construction Supervisors, Construction General Supervisors, Construction Project Managers
  • Engineering Technologists, Supervision Engineer, Inspection Engineers, Civil Inspectors
  • Foremen, Design Structural Engineers, Planners, Structural Engineers
  • Material Specialists, Quality Control and Quality Assurance Experts
  • Architects, Supervision Engineers, Team Leaders, Site Officers and Managers, Mechanical Engineers
  • Technical Professionals, Field Production Supervisor, Operation Engineers, Clients Representatives

Day One

Introduction and Basic Concepts

  • Learning Concepts
  • Approaches & Rules of Order
  • Introduction to Construction Project Procurement
  • Exercises: The Why, What, Who, Where, When & How of Project Procurement

Plan Purchases & Acquisitions

  • WBS & Select items to procure
  • Breakeven Point Analysis
  • Contract Types & calculations
  • Sample: Form of Change Requests
  • Pre/ Post-Qualification of Bidders
  • Qualified Contractors list
  • Trade Credit, Cash, Line of Credit
  • Sample: Purchase Order

Day Two

Plan Procurements

  • Invitation to Bidders
  • Instructions to Bidders
  • Contract Forms
  • Sample: Specifications
  • Construction Insurances
  • Form of Bid Bond
  • Form of Mobilization Advance
  • Sample: Form of Performance Bond

Request Contractors Responses

  • Bid by BQ or Drawings
  • General Conditions of Contracts
  • Sample: Supplemental Conditions to the General Contract
  • Type of procurement – Open, Limited, Selected
  • Withdrawal and consequences
  • Sample: Main & Subcontractors

Day Three

Select Contractors

  • Evaluation criteria for Contractors
  • Evaluation criteria for Consultants
  • The Bid, Sample: Weighting, Screening & Price systems compared

Additional Activities

  • Control / Independent Estimates
  • Tools & Techniques
  • The procurement process & award
  • Sample: Public vs. Private Opening

Day Four

Administer Procurements

  • Interim payment certification, Variance Analysis
  • Inspections, Field reporting & Project reporting
  • Sample: Managing Client & Contractor

Close Procurements

  • Request for completion, Substantial / Practical & Partial Completion
  • Final Completion, Sample: Handover / takeover of deliverables

Day Five

Case Study

  • The Procurement process
  • Responsive & non-responsive bids
  • Gamesmanship
  • Close Procurement
  • Close Project
Training Subject
Training Location