Critical Thinking in the Audit Process Training – (CBOK) Study





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4 Feb
- 8 Feb 2024

5 Days



25 Aug
- 29 Aug 2024

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13 May
- 17 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


27 Oct
- 31 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


In the recent Global Internal Audit Common Knowledge (CBOK) Study, Chief Audit Executives survey respondents have expressed that Critical Thinking is one of the top skills that they are recruiting for or building their internal audit department. So, what is critical thinking? A purposeful reasoning approach that drives one to ask questions, gather information & verify assumptions to reach thoughtful, fair & reflective conclusions. With the pervasive uncertainty in the business world, making the right decision is a challenge. The end goal of critical thinking is to facilitate sound decision-making and execution.

Critical thinking is about trying to understand our logical processes and developing criteria for improving them. It is a way of thinking about any topic in which a person improves the quality of their thinking by evaluating, analyzing, deconstructing, and reconstructing it.  It is considered a form of metacognition, which is self-directed and self-monitoring;  It is about developing conceptual tools to be able to think for themselves.  It requires the approval of strict standards of excellence in judgment, reasoning, and conscious command to be used in an effort to overcome the original selfishness and social focus.

This course will provide you with the skills and techniques necessary to embed critical thinking skills in all aspects of the audit cycle. The tools and techniques shared will guide your use of critical thinking skills in risk assessment, interviewing, audit evidence gathering, root cause analysis, and report writing. Real-life examples of failures and successes of critical thinking in internal audits will be covered to further the learning process.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand the process of critical thinking and intellectual traits
  • Discuss the meaning and application of professional judgment
  • Demonstrate how critical thinking helps improve the audit process
  • Compare and contrast auditor judgment and critical thinking skills
  • Review ways to develop critical thinking to enhance the audit process
  • Cover the use of critical thinking during the risk assessment, interviewing, and reporting cycles
  • Review the importance of appropriate, sufficient, and persuasive audit evidence

This course is made for :

  • Audit officers
  • HR managers
  • Compliance officers
  • CEO
  • General managers
  • Head of departments
  • Legal affairs officers

Day One

Professional Standards

    • International Standards for the Professional Practices of Internal Auditing – IIA
    • Government Audit Standards – GAO
    • IT Standards, Guidelines, and Tools and Techniques for Audit and Assurance and Control Professionals

Day Two

Critical Thinking

    • Key terms/definitions
    • Critical thinking levels and characteristics
    • Reasoning and professional judgment
    • Understanding biases, fallacies, and inferences in the thinking process
    • Intellectual thinking traits and standards

Day Three

Planning – Risk-Based Audits

      • In determining the scope and levels of risk–impact, and likelihood
      • In determining audit prioritization
      • Interviewing and questioning

Assessing Process and Testing

      • Identifying what to test, how to test, and when to expand testing
      • Determining the sufficiency of testing evidence
      • Keeping the focus on the objective

Day Four

Evidence and Evidence Gathering

      • Why is Audit Evidence so important?
      • Quality of Evidence and Assurance
      • Evidentiary Sources and Reliance
      • Methods to gather evidence

Day Five

Communicating and Reporting

      • 5 C’s – condition, criteria, consequence, cause, corrective action
      • Findings – Significance, relevance, and framing
      • Selecting impactful evidence – charts, graphs, pictures, flow charts

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