Certified Emotional Intelligence Trainer Course Certification





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21 Jan
- 25 Jan 2024

5 Days



5 Aug
- 9 Aug 2024

5 Days



28 Apr
- 2 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


13 Oct
- 13 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Many people believe that intelligence, or IQ (intelligence quotient), is what determines success. However, researchers have consistently found that people with average IQs outperform those with higher IQs 70% of the time. So, why is that? It turns out that the missing link in determining a person’s long-term success is emotional intelligence or EQ. Those average IQ people had high Emotional Intelligence, making emotional intelligence tools essential for any coach that wants to help clients transform their lives.

The EQ Practitioner Certification course gets to the heart of emotional intelligence, examining and explaining its importance and providing powerful tools and strategies for improving emotional intelligence in yourself and others.

 You will embark on a fully holistic journey into the world of emotional intelligence and find a framework that is very skilled at helping to not only improve your life and the lives of your clients (if you are in the helping industry or want to be), you will also find that improving your emotional intelligence levels helps with conditions such as anxiety, depression, stress, anger, frustration, and others

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Managing Emotional Intelligence Using the Coaching for Results System equips you to confidently coach any team today.
  • The biological and psychological aspects of emotions
  • Discover how to use emotional intelligence to help yourself and others.
  •  Learn how to improve your emotional intelligence
  •  Unlock powerful emotional intelligence tools and strategies to help yourself and others through emotional upheaval.
  •  Emotional intelligence can be used to help with anxiety, depression, stress, confusion, and many other emotional issues.
  • How emotional intelligence impacts almost every aspect of life

This course is made for :

  • You want to be a Certified Emotional Intelligence
  • You are in a field where you need to earn CPD or CEU continuing professional development/education credits.
  • You are a counselor, life coach, speaker, teacher, or other professional who helps  people transform their lives
  • Your life coaching clients want to increase their emotional intelligence
  • You like using proven, done-for-you processes that get your clients great results!
  • You want to improve your own Emotional Intelligence so you can better help others.
  • You have a passion for psychology and the understanding of how emotional intelligence impacts well being

Day One

Emotional Intelligence

  •  What is emotional intelligence?
  •  date equivalent
  •  framework and definitions
  •  What are the emotions
  •  brains
  •  3 types of emotional people
  •  Personal EQ Evaluation Pt1, Personal EQ Evaluation Pt2
  •  Benefits of developing emotional intelligence
  •  self conscious

Day Two

Self conscious

  •  Accurate self-evaluation
  •  Who are you? What is important to you?
  •  Get to know your own story
  •  Pay attention to what is there now
  •  your emotional states
  •  what do you think?
  •  Keys to self-awareness
  •  Self-awareness questionnaire
  •  Work awareness/behavior questionnaire
  •  feelings or thoughts
  •  Self Awareness Activities Pt1
  •  Self Awareness Activities Pt2
  •  improvement planning

Day Three

Self management

  •  Personal integrity and responsibility
  •  Pause button
  •  breathing exercise
  •  Create appropriate emotional patterns
  •  mental gates
  •  Cognitive reformulation
  •  Factors affecting feelings
  •  emotional rules
  •  Emotional hijacking
  •  Self-management activities Pt1
  •  Self-management activities Pt2
  •  improvement planning

Day Four 

Motivation and flexibility

  •  Realistic optimism
  •  Set your sights
  •  Internal and external challenges and dealing with stress and confusion
  •  Learn to solve problems
  •  improvement planning
  •  empathy
  •  Basic emotional needs point
  •  Unconditional positive respect
  •  Support and contribution opportunities
  •  Attending with others

Day Five


  •  Improve communication skills
  •  Conflict Resolution
  •  Emotional bubbles
  •  The power of trust
  •  relationship activities
  •  relationship activities
  •  improvement planning
  •  Frequently Asked Questions

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